Restore Your Full Natural Head Of Hair


Needle-Free Hair Restoration

Hair Restoration Machine

Some Of the Many Benefits Of The Alma Ted Procedure Include:

  • Pain-free and Needle-free.
  • Quick and simple.
  • Helps support optimal hair regrowth.
  • Improves hair volume and thickens hair follicles.
  • No post-treatment shedding.
  • Also stimulates blood flow of the scalp to improve scalp health.


Hair Restoration Machine 2

Patients who are experiencing hair shedding, hair loss or hair thinning may be good candidates for treatment with TED. A consultation with is recommended to determine if you are a good candidate for TED treatment. TED was developed to be used on any individual that is suffering from hair loss or wants to improve the overall thickness and appearance of their hair.


A: TED is a quick, 20-25 minute treatment. During your consultation, our medical team will perform a detailed evaluation of your scalp and hair, quantifying your hair density and hair caliber in each zone, as well as assessing your overall scalp health to personalize and customize the best treatment plan for you. You’ll notice improvements within one month of treatment, but additional treatments may be recommended for optimal results. Each case is different.


A: Recent research studies have shown that PRP hair restoration procedures are a safe and effective treatment for many patients. 80% of patients experience a noticeable and favorable improvement in thickness, density, and growth of their hair within a couple of months of undergoing the treatment.


You can expect to see minor results after one TED treatment, but it is typically recommended to have a series of at least three TED treatments, one month apart, for optimal results.


A: Unfortunately, no. The only way to restore hair growth to a severely depleted area is through hair transplantation. However, TED can be used in conjunction with hair transplants to help slow, stop, and reverse the progression of hair loss in non-transplanted areas.

Hair loss is a common problem that affects many people, regardless of their age or gender. While there are several treatment options available, many of them can be expensive, time-consuming, or have undesirable side effects. However, PRP and Exosomes are two innovative techniques that have gained popularity in recent years as effective, non-invasive solutions for hair restoration.

What is PRP and how does it work for hair restoration?

PRP is a treatment that involves extracting a small amount of blood from the patient’s arm and then using a centrifuge to separate the platelets from other blood components. The resulting platelet-rich plasma is then injected into the scalp, where it stimulates the growth of new hair follicles.

The platelets in PRP contain growth factors and cytokines, which are known to promote healing and tissue regeneration. When injected into the scalp, PRP triggers the body’s natural healing response, stimulating the production of new hair follicles and improving blood flow to the scalp.

What are Exosomes and how do they work for hair restoration?

Exosomes are tiny vesicles that are naturally secreted by various types of cells, including stem cells. These vesicles contain a variety of bioactive molecules, such as growth factors, cytokines, and microRNAs, which play a crucial role in tissue regeneration and repair.

Exosomes can be obtained from various sources, including stem cells, and can be injected directly into the scalp. Once injected, they trigger a cascade of cellular signaling pathways that promote hair growth and regeneration.

Exosomes are a relatively new treatment for hair restoration, but studies have shown promising results in terms of hair growth and thickness.

Benefits of PRP and Exosomes for Hair Restoration

  • Non-invasive: PRP and Exosomes do not require surgery or incisions, making them a safer and less invasive option compared to other hair restoration treatments.
  • Natural: PRP and Exosomes use the patient’s own blood or cellular material, which reduces the risk of allergic reactions or other adverse effects.
  • Effective: Studies have shown that PRP and Exosomes can significantly improve hair growth and thickness, even in patients with advanced hair loss.
  • Minimal downtime: PRP and Exosomes treatments typically require little to no downtime, allowing patients to return to their regular activities immediately after the procedure.
  • Long-lasting: The effects of PRP and Exosomes can last for several months or even years, making them a cost-effective option compared to other hair restoration treatments.

If you are struggling with hair loss and are looking for a safe, effective, and non-invasive treatment option, PRP and Exosomes may be a good choice for you. These innovative techniques have shown promising results in terms of hair restoration, and they are becoming increasingly popular among patients who want to achieve natural-looking results without surgery or other invasive procedures.

If you are interested in learning more about PRP and Exosomes for hair restoration, we recommend consulting with one of our highly qualified healthcare providers. They can help you determine if these treatments are right for you and provide you with more information on what to expect during the procedure.

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